L’Art et la Science du Crépis Naturel

USD $7.50

Documentaire pédagogique avec l’auteur, formateur et artisan Chris Magwood, qui partage 20 années d’expérience du crépis naturel.


Plastering your home with natural materials is a remarkably empowering, rewarding and healthy experience, transforming your walls into beautiful centerpieces in your home!

The use of natural plasters has been a key part of most of the world’s vernacular architecture, creating spaces unique to their creators. But in the last century our culture has lost touch with this essential part of making a home.

Over the past decade, natural builders have spent vast amounts of time and energy re-learning these ancient recipes and skills, and adding a modern sensibility to traditional plasters. You can benefit from all the work this community of builders has undertaken to develop natural plasters into a feasible, realistic option for any kind of building in any kind of climate.

You can learn to use natural, sustainable materials and hand craft them into exquisite, healthy, affordable and durable walls with your own two hands instead of using industrially manufactured and often toxic materials. Whether you’re a professional builder or an inexperienced homeowner, the ability to work with natural plasters is within your means.

This film will give you everything you need to approach a wide range of natural plastering projects, from applying thick, structural plasters on new walls to applying thin finish coats on existing walls.

If your house has walls, you’ve got the ideal scenario for using natural plaster!


The film is divided into sections that will introduce, define, explain and demonstrate how to use a wide range of natural plasters in different scenarios.

  • intro to plastering
  • where can natural plasters be used?
  • types of natural plasters
  • assessing ingredients
  • mixing ingredients
  • preparing substrates for plastering
  • trowels and tools
  • application of plasters
  • finishes
  • repairs and maintenance

All footage is captured on real-life job sites, ensuring that what you see is similar to what you’ll experience on your own projects.

Chris Magwood has been at the forefront of natural building in eastern Canada for almost 20 years. He’s been exploring the use of natural plasters as an integral part of his work with straw bale, hempcrete, straw-clay, earth block, cob and other natural building systems.

Chris has also traveled extensively, working with plasterers in Europe, Australia and the United States and synthesizing all he’s learned into recipes and techniques that draw from global best practices. He has been able to plaster thousands of square feet of wall surface and see his plasters time-tested in the harsh climate of Ontario, Canada. He’s a director at The Endeavour Centre, a not-for-profit, sustainable building school in Peterborough, Ontario, which aims to share natural and sustainable building knowledge in an open-source manner. Chris has been teaching full-time courses and workshops for over 15 years, and this film blends his extensive knowledge of natural plastering with his practiced teaching ability.


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